Lisa Snow Lady | Quiet Spaces

Paintings by Seattle-based artist Lisa Snow Lady reflect the quiet charm in everyday spaces and elevate the ordinary into the sublime. She finds inspiration in taking daily neighborhood walks that inform her paintings depicting urban life, local parks, and abundant gardens. Architectural elements frequently make their way into her works serving as backdrops for the drama of the play of light.

In seeking out these quieter places she takes respite from the busyness of urban life. On winter walks on neighboring islands, or on summer hikes near majestic mountains, she sees with fresh eyes the natural architecture of ancient trees stepping in for the man-made, as sunlight filters through the canopy. Subtle gradations of green, fields of waving yellow grasses, and reflections in a pond, lend her color cues as her artistic vision is realized in the layering of acrylic paints. These quiet spaces of solace feed her soul and give her a new appreciation for the natural world in which we live.

Hiroshi Sato | Flattening and Form

We are pleased to introduce California-based artist Hiroshi Sato with the exhibition  “Flattening and Form.”  Sato is focused on contemporary realist oil painting. He draws influence from past and present artists including Vermeer, Degas, Andrew Wyeth, Edward Hopper and Chuck Close. With interest in the geometric design principles of both the old masters and new masters, Sato creates similarly complex environments with computer-generated 3D models, to suit his painterly needs. This digital world contains multitudes of scenes and objects from which he bases his paintings.

Exploring the boundaries of representational painting, Sato implements a kind of fan fiction based on past representational paintings, using art historical references to create his own compositions. He includes paintings and objects in the scene to allude to a set pictorial narrative. Each painting, contains paintings, posters, objects, and gestures of other artists. Some viewers may recognize the references, while others may not, allowing each viewer to actively participate in the malleable interpretation of one piece.